
Ujjayi Yoga Tasmania specialise in Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Somatic Experiencing and body-based therapies to assist in trauma recovery. Our services are guided by clinical evidence and best practise in trauma recovery. Our approach to therapy can help you to:

  • Develop awareness of the present moment and feel and tolerate the truth of your emotional and physical sensations
  • Ground and Anchor, so that you can manage and respond appropriately to what you feel and remain present with yourself
  • Develop the resources to relieve and manage uncomfortable and painful sensations such as anxiety, pain, tension and fear
  • Become empowered to making good choices and take effective action
  • Create new rhythms, to rewrite neural circuits and create new ways of feeling and being in the world
  • Learn how to identify and express what you truly feel so that you can create boundaries and better relationships
  • Build Trust, in yourself and the shared authentic experiences of yoga

Our Services

Ujjayi Sessions

Private body-based therapeutic sessions with Sarah to assist in your healing from trauma.

During these sessions we use Trauma Sensitive Yoga to help you develop resources to ground and anchor, build awareness of felt sensations in the present moment and find comfort and trust in the body. We can also work with Somatic Experiencing to help you re-negotiate and release the hurt and pain of trauma trapped in the body and create new positive rhythms and experiences in the body.

You do not need a diagnosis to book sessions.

Sessions can be face to face at the studio or online.

Suited to people with complex trauma, early childhood trauma, PTSD and single incident trauma; or people who live with chronic pain, anxiety, dissociate, live with tremendous grief, struggle with impulse control or other symptoms of trauma.

Ujjayi Yoga is taking a break for winter 2024. We are not taking new clients or new bookings for Ujjayi Sessions. We will be returning in the Spring to take booking for new clients in Northern and North West Tasmania and online. Please send an email expressing your interest and we will reply Spring 2024

Tailored TSY Group Program

We can talk with you about the needs and goals of your cohort and develop a special program to suit your group. We have experience working with vulnerable and at-risk groups, as well as providing self-care yoga groups for professionals to mitigate vicarious trauma.

We can provide services for groups of up to 12 people at our George St Studio, or travel to your organisation.

Past programs have including delivering tailored TSY groups at: Yemaya, Engender Equality, Richmond Fellowship of Tasmania, Pheonix Centre, Capstone College and Department of Health Services.

Trauma Informed Care Professional Development

As a trauma specialist Sarah Van Est has experience in developing and delivering training and disseminating information regarding the delivery of best practise in trauma informed care for professionals working with vulnerable and at-risk groups.

Sarah has developed and delivered a 12 week training program for mental health professionals working with women impacted by domestic and family violence; authored a manual for GP’s to work with women impacted by DFV; authored a report on the experiences of women accessing services for DFV in Tasmania; delivered White Ribbon Training for workplaces, presented on best practise in trauma sensitive care at TASCOSS annual conference; presented on Trauma Sensitive Yoga at the Interprofessional Conference for DoE (all State-wide School Social Workers, Psychologists & Speech Pathologists) and; presented a poster on best practise in delivering trauma informed services for women at ANROWS annual conference.

If you would like to discuss how we might help create a culture of trauma sensitive care and at your organisation, please contact Sarah.

What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga?

Trauma Sensitive Yoga is a serious, empirically validated form of therapy for people wanting to recover from trauma.  This gentle practise of embodiment helps to build connections and trust in the body and release the sensations of feeling trapped in past traumas.

When guided through this style of yoga with a skilled practitioner, you can learn how be feel the truth of your body in the present moment, develop the resilience to tolerate the physical and emotional sensations you feel and find ways to self-regulate, soothe, calm and and resolve uncomfortable and painful sensations of trauma trapped in the body.

During a TSY session you may be guided through a range of physical activities (making shapes with your body) or practise gentle breathing exercises, to help you explore what you experience in the present moment.

With Trauma Sensitive Yoga you can get to know and experience the innate wisdom of your body and hold yourselves in a comfortable, empowered and safe space.

Trauma Sensitive Yoga is not a new way of thinking – it helps us to experience a new way of living in the world.

"I whole heartedly recommend it for a sane, practical process to help anyone suffering as a result of trauma."

What is Somatic Experiencing

Developed by Dr. Peter Lavine, Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a pioneering therapeutic modality for healing trauma. Based in the knowledge that trauma is an affect of the flight, flight and freeze response becoming trapped in the body, SE helps people cultivate their own unique and innate ability to recognise, feel and release the trapped trauma.

In a safe environment, with the guidance of a skilled practitioner, you can safely release the trapped energy within your nervous system without overwhelm and intolerance for the sensation. SE can be a very gentle form of therapy, guided by the individual and does not require talking directly to the traumatic events. SE may help restore a sense of aliveness, relaxation and wholeness in the aftermath of trauma or after periods of chronic stress. SE has tremendous recorded success in assisting people in trauma recovery.